Credits and Comments

Some of Fugitive Colors was recorded on two-inch analog tape over the course of several years.  Unfortunately, the tracking information sheets for those songs got damaged in the Nashville flood of 2010. This leaves questions as to who played what and when. Most of the credits here are accurate, however, lots of players came through the studio. We are hoping that some of the remaining questions will be resolved as folks get in touch to say they played. In the meanwhile, here are the musician credits to the best of Dave’s memory accompanied by Dave’s comments and thoughts.

“A Lot of Good Men Gone Down”    (© Dave Perkins; Dreambox/ASCAP)
Please excuse the gender exclusiveness of this song.  I wrote it before I had lost any of the women in my life. If I didn’t like the vocal performance as much as I do, I would have rewritten the lyric to be more inclusive and given the vocal another shot. But, even though the song now seems to be missing important people, it was, when I wrote it, my personal statement, my reflex reaction after death came close. “A Lot of Good Men Gone Down” was written for my father–a  very good man. Also, for Michael Clarke (drummer for the Byrds)—we became roommates on the road. My x-bandmates Mark “Rooster” Richardson and Leo LeBlanc (steel guitar with Jerry Jeff, John Prine) were there in spirit as I wrote the song. They all—my Dad included—died too young. And, they each had such a huge life force (Bee Spears!) that you could physically feel their absence. When friend and mentor Guy Clark died this year, I dug this song out of the vault. Getting it ready for Fugitive Colors, I realized that I’ve yet to fully get over the loss of these loved ones. So, “Lift your glasses one more time for those who left us behind.” And, now, women too (Mom). I celebrate them all; I lament them all.  A lot of good folks gone down . . .

Drums: Mike Mead; Organ: Phil Madeira; Guitars and Vocals: Dave Perkins; Bass: E Scott Esbeck

“The Wind in My Attic”    (© Dave Perkins; Dreambox/ASCAP)

For lost love that continues to haunt.

Acoustic and Electric Guitar, Organ, and Vocal: Dave Perkins; Electric Guitar: Jerry McPherson; Bass: Byron House

“New Jimmy’s”    (© Dave Perkins; Dreambox/ASCAP)
Troublesome girlfriend finally leaves—and leaves behind a winning lottery ticket. Viva luck!  The title name checks the infamous night club of the 1950s.  “Gone up New Jimmy’s–catch a beat you bet!

Guitars and Vocal: Dave Perkins; Organ: Phil Madeira; Bass: E Scott Esbeck or Chris Donahue; Drums: Mike Mead

“Blue into Black”   (© Dave Perkins; Dreambox/ASCAP)
A dark one. The mysterious, prophetic nature of writing songs—somehow, I was looking years ahead to a time when I would be standing toes on the line, the edge of the abyss.  I wrote this sitting on the little back porch watching the sun set across the Chesapeake water.  “When I go down, down, down . . . falling like a ball of fire . . . eaten alive by the horizon.”  

Acoustic and Electric Guitar, Vocal: Dave Perkins; Drums: Mike Mead; Bass: E Scott Esbeck; Organ and Piano: Phil Madeira; Electric Guitar: Lynn Nichols

“Perfect As Plastic”   (© Dave Perkins; Dreambox/ASCAP)
In memory of Frankie, a cross-dresser who presented like a Chanel model and who was a regular shopper at my father-in-law’s hardware store.  A class act!  “It’s hard to be pretty in a town without pity.”

Drums: Mike Mead; Guitars and Vocals: Dave Perkins; Bass: Byron House; Organ: Phil Madeira

“Race Cars Run (farewell, Buk)”   (© Dave Perkins; Dreambox/ASCAP)
For the passing of the poet Charles Bukowski, who mined beauty from the crude and rude.  I invoked Buk’s barfly alter ego to inhabit the singing.  “Shake the hand of the snake—I’m a viper who can’t be charmed.”

Bass: Wade Jaynes; Piano and Organ: Reese Wynans; Guitars and Vocals: Dave Perkins; Drums: Mike Mead

“Away”    (© Dave Perkins; Dreambox/ASCAP)
With true gratitude to the one who has my back (and front) when I’m on the ropes. Please download and share.

Accordion: Phil Madeira; Organ: Reese Wynans; Drums: Pete Thomas; Acoustic Guitars and Vocals: Dave Perkins; Dulcimer: Nice guy from L.A. who was “just passin’ through”; Slide Solo: That’s Phil

“Open Windows”    (© Dave Perkins; Sky South/ASCAP)
Wish I could recall what this song is about. Or, maybe I shouldn’t want to remember! A flashback of some kind . . . “Who knows what the wind blows, what the cat drug in—open windows.”

Violins: Antoine Silverman or Eric Silver; Guitars, Organ, Pennywhistle, and Vocals: Dave Perkins; Brushes and Drums: Mike Mead; Bass: E Scott Esbeck or ??

“Nothing But Love”    (© Dave Perkins; Dreambox/ASCAP)
Some relationships turn on the absurd.

Electric and Acoustic Guitars and Vocal: Dave Perkins; Backing Vocal: Doug Powell; Drums: Lang Bliss; Accordion: Phil Madeira; Bass: E Scott Esbeck

“What It Is”    (© Dave Perkins; Dreambox/ASCAP)
“Baby you can sit on it, you can hold it down–get out your hammer and nails.  Put it in a time capsule, bury it in Memphis, only to be discovered centuries later in some alien yard sale.  But, Baby, you better find out what it is!” This is good advice–am I right?

Bass: Byron House; Drums: Mike Mead; Organ: Phil Madeira; Electric Guitar and Vocals: Dave Perkins; 2nd Electric Guitar: Lynn Nichols

“Stand”    (© Dave Perkins; Dreambox/ASCAP)
For a friend who called in the middle of the night to say he was ready to leave this world behind.  “Stand when your stars all fall, when the darkness calls, ’cause you were meant to be.”

Acoustic and Electric Guitars and Vocals: Dave Perkins; Bass: Byron House; Drums: Paul Griffith; Organ: Reese Wynans; Accordion: Phil Madeira